Thursday, February 12, 2009


I actually really liked the movie Amelie. I thought it was funny, weird, and romantic all at the same time which made it very interesting. I never got bored watching it, because I always got the feeling that something weird was going to happen next. I think that Amelie was such a sweet girl, but just had some shyness problems she needed to work on.
The lighting in the movie was unique. There seemed to be a lot of shadow in the movie and the light was more intense and clear on the faces. When the light was on Amelie, it always seemed to get brighter. The more people she decided to help, the brighter the light got in the movie. Another thing in the movie that was interesting was the special visual effects. Chapter five talked about special effects and in the movie, they used special effects when they showed Amelie turn into liquid, her heart pounding, the key in her pocket, and Nino lighting up and bursting. I think that they used the key as a special effect because it showed the audience that Amelie was going to start making changes and helping people. It showed her heart pounding to represent her love that she had for Nino and that is also why he was lit up, to show she thought he was so bright. When Amelie turned to liquid I think it represented that she had some lonely times and was ready to almost just break down.
In chapter five, it also talked about a lot of different movie angles and different views that the director can take. Amelie had a lot of different angles and it was very unique. I feel like I need to watch again to know some of the specific angles and focuses that the director used because I was really focused on what the characters where saying sometimes. I do know that there were always a lot of close-ups on Amelie to show her facial expressions at different parts of the movie. The chapter talked about focusing attention on the most significant object and I think that is why Amelie was shown a lot with close-ups, because she was an important part of the movie.
There was a lot of red in the movie. Amelie seemed to always wear a lot of red clothing, her lipstick was red, some of the walls in her apartment were red, and other bits of red were shown in other scenes in the movie. I think that the red stood for urging to do different things and get out to be heard. She helped a lot of people become happier and she even helped herself finally by finding romance that she wanted.
At one point in chapter five it talked about the handheld camera, which is where it makes the camera jerk and have uneasy movements to make the scene seem more real. This technique was used whenever Amelie or Mr. Dufayel looked through their binoculars at one another to see what they were up to. The technique really made it seem like they were looking through binoculars. Mr. Dufayel, I believe, was the other big part in the movie because he helped Amelie with her problems and she also helped him in a way. Mr. Dufayle can never figure out how to draw the girls face in the painting he has done for the last few years every year. At the end of the movie when Mr. Dufayle helps Amelie, he is able to finish his painting and I think it is because Amelie is not lost anymore herself so either is he.
I love the end of this movie because Amelie falls in love with Nino and he falls in love with her. I love romantic endings, but it just wasn’t Amelie that made the ending so good. What also made the ending so good was that everyone seemed to be happy and Amelie helped so many people so that they were happy. Mr. Dufayle also seemed satisfied and happy with life also. I think that the program objective that the director was trying to get across in the movie was that even though someone may have lived a quiet life doesn’t mean they can’t change and make differences in their lives and other peoples’ lives; it is always good to make changes sometimes and step out of your comfort zone.

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