Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Dark Knight

The move The Dark Night is a great movie. I had only seen it once before last night, and last night when I watched it again it seemed to be even better than the first time. The director picked such good actors for the roles. When I read Chapter 10 in the book it talked about acting and how actors have to become the character. In the movie, Heath Ledger really became his character in the movie. His character was so real and scary that it made him seem like a crazed person. The book talks about two techniques that characters use to become the character, they are the inside approach or the outside approach. I think that Ledger used the inside approach. This means that he started to be crazy and scary and it really got inside him and took over him. The book also talks about different types of actors, which are impersonators, interpreters and commentators, and personality actors. Heath Ledger was an impersonator because he left his own personality and became his character The Joker with a whole new personality apart from his own. In the movie you couldn’t even tell that Heath was a normal person, he just seemed like a psychopath.
I read a movie review call “The Dark Knight Movie Review-Heath Ledger, RIP.” The review said that Ledger was the best Joker that the batman movies have ever had. I would have to agree with them. I have seen other batman movies, and although they all play really freaky Jokers, no one ever played as good as a Joker as Ledger. Ledger, like I said early, really became his character and seemed to crazy and 100 percent real. Anyone who watched that movie had to be scared and crept out by him. The article also talked about how this movie really did bring batman back to life. I also would have to agree with this because even though lots of people had never watched batman movies before, it seemed like everyone had to see it just because everyone knew it was going to be such a great movie.
The other movie review that I read was “The Dark Knight.” This article again praised Ledgers performance. It talked about how crazy he was and about how his tongue would go in and out of his mouth like a viper. It also talked about how he was “magnetic” because no matter what he did people craved for more of him and people always want to know what he is going to do next. I even think that he was “magnetic” because every time he was in a scene I couldn’t stop staring at his face and the weird ticks that he made with it and his other facial expressions. Another thing that the article talked about was how the Joker was contagious. He made good people bad, like Harvey. He had a way with his words that made people want to listen to him. The article talked about how the Joker was so crazed because he wasn’t afraid of anything, not even death. A couple times in the movie he even begged to be killed and that just makes him that more crazy.
Ever since I have been in film class I look at little things in movies besides the acting and the main message. I look at colors and costumes and other weird things that the directors put in the movies. In The Dark Knight I couldn’t stop looking at the Joker’s shirt. It had hexagons with crazy weird dots and patters with a stripped vest and another shirt stitched with them. It was crazy witch totally represented his personality. The same with his hair and teeth, they were so grungy and dirty and that also represents his character. The movie was such a great one and it was put together to well. I would be able to watch it again and still find it even more fascinating than before.

Goodykoontz, Bill. “The Dark Knight.” 2009. March 19, 2009. .

“The Dark Knight Movie Review-Heath Ledger, RIP.” 2008. Screenhead. March 19, 2009. .

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